Picture of Leonita Ariesti Putri

Leonita Ariesti Putri

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“Should I break up with my girlfriend?”


That’s a Google search that carries a lot of emotional load.


There’s so many articles saying that there are many proven, surefire, definitive signs to breaking up with your girlfriend. Unfortunately, also most of them don’t consider the possibility that many of these problems have a solution, and that the relationship doesn’t have to be doomed.


There seems to be a lack of understanding in the fact that making such a decision is undoubtedly one of life’s toughest challenges.


By the end of this article, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to make an informed decision about your current relationship’s future.

Table of Contents

Of course, you’d want to support your partner if they’re going through difficult times. 


Mental health problems are no joke, and it can be incredibly difficult to cope with your partner having a rough patch. 


If your partner is struggling with mental health issues but is in no way trying to change, it might be a sign that there is not a great future ahead for your relationship.


Also, consider the other side of the spectrum.


When the relationship consistently impacts your emotional and mental health negatively, leading to anxiety, depression, or low self-esteem, it may signify an unhealthy environment that compromises your overall well-being.


If you or your partner are dealing with mental health issues, it is always best to contact a certified professional for further help.


6. Feeling Stuck in a Mediocre Relationship

If the relationship feels stagnant, lacking excitement, adventure, and growth, it may indicate that you are settling for a mediocre partnership rather than one that is fulfilling.


A mediocre relationship refers to a platonic romantic connection, lacking depth emotional fulfillment and giving sense of complacency or dissatisfaction. The relationship doesn’t provide the level of connection, understanding, and growth they desire.


It’s important to note that not all relationships need to be intense or highly passionate to be healthy and fulfilling. It is totally common for sexual passion to wax and wane, but a satisfying relationship involves more than just sexual intimacy. It should involve mutual respect, open communication, emotional connection, and a sense of growth and shared purpose. If a relationship consistently falls into a pattern of mediocrity and dissatisfaction, individuals might need to evaluate whether the relationship is worth continuing or if changes are necessary.


While it could be your partner, you should do some reflective therapy, also known as ‘looking in the mirror.’ 


It could be that your lack of interest is straining the relationship. 


To give you some background information, in a Men’s Health survey of 1,000 American women, the number-one desired skill in a man is being a good listener.


Unfortunately, around 33% of women say their pet makes a better listener than their partner, found a 2010 Associated Press poll.


While the poll results are slightly inconclusive, it does beg the question:


How well do you listen to your partner?


7. Lack of Communication

But we’ll go one step back. 


In order to listen, you’ll need to communicate


In some relationships, communication might break down gradually, while in other relationships in happens quite suddenly. For example, stonewalling refers to the act of refusing to engage in communication or discussion, often by ignoring or avoiding the other person’s attempts to communicate. 


If this is happening to you, it’s likely a sign that it’s time to move on. 


Effective communication is vital in a healthy relationship. If you find it challenging to have open, honest, and respectful conversations or consistently avoid difficult topics, it can hinder growth and the resolution of issues.


But it doesn’t have to be hard if you just know what to ask your partner.


8. Broken Boundaries and Disrespect

Rules exist for important reasons, especially in relationships. Rules help to ensure safety and security. It also helps with conflict resolution. However, sometimes, rules may need to be broken.


Consistently violating each other’s boundaries and lacking respect for one another’s needs can lead to an unhealthy and toxic dynamic within the relationship.


However, if you’ve never established any boundaries, it might be time to do so. 


Especially if you’re moving forward with the relationship, you’ll have to clearly mention your boundaries. Otherwise, you should have left the relationship quite some time ago.


9. Recognizing Obvious Signs of Incompatibility

Clear signs of fundamental incompatibility, such as contradicting core values, conflicting political views, or unnegotiable differences in future goals, may indicate that the relationship is not viable for long-term happiness.


For example, if you want children, and your partner clearly states they don’t, it might be difficult to cope with. 


Still, it’s very personal and different for each person.


What you might consider a ‘deal breaker’ might be fine for someone else. Remember that you are in charge of communicating your wishes and figuring out whether there are serious signs of incompatibility that could hinder the ability for you and your partner to live happily together.


Learn deeply about your partner by asking these 21 questions and potentially avoid these problems.


10. Growing Apart or Changing Life Goals

I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news. 


Sometimes, everything seems great at one point but worse a year later.


As people naturally evolve over time, it is common for interests and life aspirations to shift. If you and your partner no longer share common ground in these areas, it can present challenges in building a fulfilling future together.


If your partner developed a life wish to go and work abroad full-time, that must be a choice with the aim of being happy. 


If this is not something you want, you’ll either want to make it work long-distance or decide whether it’s best to move on.


11. Decline in Intimacy

woman looking away from man on bed

A significant decline in intimacy can be indicative of underlying issues or emotional disconnection within the relationship, which can affect overall satisfaction and compatibility between you and your partner. 


Have you tried to communicate your concern? 


In any case, it can help to have an honest and open conversation about your concerns. In many cases, your partner can’t feel exactly what you’re thinking. 


12. Recognizing Patterns of Unwanted Behavior

It is normal if, once or twice in life, we engage in unwanted behavior, such as going on a shopping spree or smoking to blow off some steam. However, if this has become a pattern of behavior or habit of your partner, especially if this behavior is unacceptable for you, then maybe it’s time to reconsider moving forward in the relationship. You know what they say “old habits die hard”.


Assessing Relationship Satisfaction

When considering whether to end a relationship, it’s important to assess the overall satisfaction of your partnership.


Take the time to reflect on your personal happiness and fulfillment within the relationship, considering crucial factors such as emotional connection, effective communication, shared values, trust, and respect.


A healthy and fulfilling romantic relationship requires ongoing effort and attention from both partners, and it’s only natural to encounter challenges during the course of your relationship.


However, it’s crucial to distinguish between normal relationship struggles and harmful behaviors that can detrimentally affect your mental health and well-being.


Additionally, assess the quality of the time you spend together and whether it aligns with your needs and expectations.


Are you both fully present and engaged? Are you enjoying meaningful experiences and creating lasting memories?


In evaluating your relationship, seeking guidance from a relationship expert with relevant experience in navigating challenging dynamics and resolving conflicts can be beneficial. Their expertise can provide valuable insights and support as you make decisions about the future of your relationship.


Seeking Clarity and Self-Reflection

When considering a potential breakup, seeking clarity and engaging in self-reflection is crucial.


Take the time to deeply understand your own needs, desires, and boundaries within the relationship.


This type of self-reflection allows you to assess the overall health of the relationship and identify any warning signs or issues that may be negatively impacting your emotional well-being or your partner’s well-being.


During this process, it is important to evaluate how the relationship is affecting your overall mental state.


  • Are there signs of fulfillment, contentment, and growth, or do you feel compromised and stagnant?
  •  Are there significant differences in values, future goals, or lifestyles?
  • Are you in a fulfilling and mutually satisfying partnership or settling for a mediocre relationship?


These are essential questions to contemplate and discuss openly with your partner.


If you are contemplating the future of your relationship, seeking clarity through open and honest communication is imperative. Engage in difficult conversations to address issues, express concerns, and establish healthy boundaries.


During this process, confiding in trusted friends or family members who can provide objective perspectives can be valuable.


Weighing the Pros and Cons

It’s time to explore your relationship thoughtfully, weighing the good and the not-so-good aspects.


Think about what truly brings joy and fulfillment to your life in this relationship—those moments that make your heart skip a beat.


Equally important, take a closer look at any recurring issues or difficulties that have been tugging at you. Have your efforts to improve them made a lasting impact?


Pause and consider the potential for growth. How much room is there for positive change within your relationship? How might your choices today shape your overall well-being in the long run?


Ask yourself: “Should I break up with my girlfriend?”

You’ve gone through quite some text already.


Now, about making that tough call—trust your gut, listen to that inner voice that’s been speaking to you.


It’s okay to realize that ending things might be the healthiest choice, both for you and your partner, if the relationship no longer fuels your happiness and personal development.


Let’s be real; this decision won’t be a walk in the park.


It’s alright to lean on friends and professionals who get it and who can help you navigate this emotional maze.


Through it all, never lose sight of your own happiness and well-being. You’ve got what it takes to weather this storm. Trust yourself, and lean on the support that’s out there. The road ahead holds potential for growth and a brighter chapter.

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