no contact rule

5 Surefire Signs the No Contact Rule is Working

Sure, you’ve broken up, and it’s hard enough to stop thinking of the breakup. It’s even harder to stop contacting your ex.  


In the beginning, it may seem like it’s a daunting task to do so, especially if you have been with them for some time. All your social media accounts still follow theirs; you keep asking friends how they’re doing, and you keep texting or calling them.


However, it’s precisely in these initial challenges that the potential for growth lies. As you gradually sever these digital and emotional links, the discomfort gives way to a sense of liberation. The void left by their absence becomes a canvas for personal reinvention, and the initial daunting task transforms into a healing journey of self-discovery.


That sounds nice and all, but how do you actually know that the no contact rule is working?


You might have made significant progress throughout your healing process, but you’re tempted to break the no contact period. In this article, we’ll provide you with five signs that should indicate that the no contact rule is working. 

Table of Contents

Brief overview of the No Contact Rule


When it comes to relationships, especially after a breakup, the “no contact” rule is a popular strategy. It means avoiding all forms of contact with an ex-partner on purpose for a certain amount of time.


The main point of the rule is to give each person room and distance so that they can heal emotionally, get clear, and maybe even put a permanent end to the relationship. By not getting in touch, people can focus on growing as individuals, reduce emotional turmoil, and more objectively evaluate the connection.


People often think that the “no contact” rule is a healthy way to deal with the problems that come with a breakup and improve their own health. It is even recommended by Tikvah Lake, a rehabilitation facility focusing on mental health, as any direct or indirect communication with them will trigger memories of the past and even dreams of the future.


Statistics for the No Contact Rule


The success rate of the no contact phase has no definite number. Some say it goes as high as 95.6%. Others claim it’s at 75% or 87%. One thing is for sure, though: it’s high enough to be worth considering. 


Of course, it’s essential to understand that these numbers only work if you are committed to the rule. Relationship coaches agree. Greg Behrendt, a New York Times Bestselling author and Professional Relationship Coach, advises a minimum of 30 days without contact.


Others suggest that it depends: 30 days for an amicable breakup and 60 for a long-term relationship. 


In the grand scheme of things, these numbers and rules are guideposts rather than concrete guarantees.


Relationships are as nuanced as the individuals in them, and what works like a charm for one might not for another.


The no contact phase is a tool, not an end-all-be-all answer, and its efficacy lies not just in the duration but in the depth of personal growth it fosters.


So, whether you’re aiming for 30, 60, or some other mystical number, remember that success in this endeavor is about more than just waiting.


It is about your positive intention for self-betterment. It’s about using this time to give you a clearer idea of what you want in a relationship, and it can lead to emotional healing, personal growth, and emotional independence.


Forgetting and moving on from your ex is just the cherry on top.


So, while the emotional connection with someone is never easy to give up on, the benefits make it all worth it.


couple doing a spoon cuddle in bed

Fully Committing to the No Contact Rule


Here’s a checklist of what you should do to enjoy the benefits of the no contact rule.


1. Establish Clear Boundaries


Define what “no contact” truly means for you. Is it limited to phone calls and messages, or does it extend to social media and chance encounters? Clearly state the boundaries even if it makes you uncomfortable. And stick with them.


2. Block or Unfollow on Social Media


 In the age of digital interconnectedness, a significant part of the no contact phase involves creating a virtual barrier. Unfriend, unfollow or even consider temporary blocking to resist the temptation of checking their social media posts.


By checking on their accounts, you might see that they’re doing well, that they’re probably back in the dating scene, and that makes you want to suddenly rush your own healing, or worse, rush back to them!


Before all that happens, truthfully reflect and ask yourself, “So what if I find out about this? And how would it make me feel?” If you answered that it has no impact on your life other than negative emotions, then you’ve arrived at the correct conclusion. This enlightenment should be enough to highlight the importance of the no contact rule.


3. Focus on Self-Improvement


Utilize this time to invest in yourself. Whether it’s picking up new physical activities like hitting the gym or social activities like pursuing professional development, channel your energy into personal growth.


This isn’t just about looking better; it’s about feeling better, too. Plus, you have less time to loom over past regrets or what could have been. 


4. Build a Support System


Surround yourself with friends (make sure that these friends are not mutual friends with your ex!) and family who uplift and support you.


Share your feelings with those you trust, and don’t hesitate to lean on them when you need a shoulder. A strong support system can provide invaluable guidance and comfort.


Realize that your ex was not the sole source of warmth in your life. Others are out there, too, and they are still here for you.


5. Reflect on the Relationship


Take an honest inventory of the relationship, understanding both its strengths and weaknesses. This introspection isn’t about assigning blame but about gaining clarity on what you truly need and want in a relationship.


However, remember to limit the time you spend on self-reflection. Brooding too much might lead to a spiral!


6. Set New Goals


Rework your life goals and aspirations. Use this time to recalibrate your ambitions and set new targets.


It’s tough, especially if your future plans include marriage and family. However, focusing on a different future can shift your perspective from what was lost to what can be gained.


7. Avoid the Temptation to Spy


Resist the urge to check up on your ex or seek information through mutual acquaintances. The no contact rule extends beyond direct communication, encompassing any form of indirect information gathering.


You should remember that you are still healing as you push on with this no-contact rule, you will find the proper path to healing, and that path to healing is not being around your ex or trying to find out what they are doing. You only have yourself now, and that’s okay!


9. Seek Professional Help if Needed


If the emotional toll becomes overwhelming, consider seeking guidance from a therapist or counselor. Professional support can offer insights and coping mechanisms that are invaluable during this transformative phase.


10. Embrace the Uncertainty


Understand that the future is unknown, and that’s also okay. Embrace the uncertainty, and don’t rush the healing process. The no contact rule isn’t a race; it’s a journey of self-discovery and resilience.


5 Signs The No Contact Rule is Working

couple doing lounge chair cuddles

1. Emotional Healing

There might still be feelings of regret, bitterness, and jealousy.


However, a sign that the no-contact rule is working is that while these feelings linger, you also recognize your past partner’s flaws and shortcomings. There is clarity in your thoughts, and you know for sure that there’s a clear reason why you’re no longer together.


By now, you might realize that both sides of your previous relationship are responsible for some of the drama and issues caused.


Your state of mind starts to heal emotionally. Everything begins to look a bit brighter, and the voices in your head stop whispering the negative thoughts that bother you.


You have slowly started to let go of the attachments that you were unnecessarily and unnoticeably holding on to. Of course, there are still doubts as the fondness of your shared moments goes away.


All of these mixed range of emotions are valid, but you should remember that you are still healing as you push on with this no contact rule. And your healing comes first.


You will find the proper path, which involves listening to your now clear head more than your heart in this period of time.


2. Improved Self-Esteem


If you’ve been broken up with, it can have a long-lasting impact on your self-esteem. In a study done by K.R. Carter et al., 30.1% of breakups resulted in a loss of self-esteem. Others included resulted in sadness (67.8%) and jealousy (33.6%).


This is especially true if you’ve been dealing with personal issues. The strong feelings that come with a breakup can impact your day-to-day living.


For married couples, a partner breaking up can significantly harm you and cause an emotional rollercoaster. 


The slightest comments from friends could trigger a reaction and make you spiral downward, and this is a subtle sign that this is the perfect time to start working on your self-esteem.


You’ll realize that this is all part of the grieving process, but remember not to linger too long and look forward to strengthening yourself again.


Building your character and self-worth are both needed for you to have your positive outlook on life back.


Once you realize that your value and self-concept are no longer reliant on your ex, you have begun reconnecting with your individual identity outside of the relationship. It is an ultimate sign the no contact rule is working. 


3. Clarity of Thought


After a while, you’ll start to get rid of those overwhelming emotions that are often associated with a breakup. The constant turmoil and emotional upheaval that often accompany a breakup have made it challenging to think rationally.


However, with time and distance, you may notice that you can analyze situations more objectively and make decisions with a clearer mind.


This newfound mental clarity is a positive indication that the no contact rule is contributing to your overall well-being.


4. Decreased Negative Interactions


Are you in the correct social circle? 


Keep away from your ex, even the friends that you were with when you were still together. They will give you unnecessary hardships and comments that you might not be prepared to take.


When you break free from them (at least during this no contact period!), you’ll find a sense of fulfillment because those memories will no longer be haunting you. You’ll see a sharp decrease in negative interactions and no more mutual friends asking how both of you are! You’ll no longer be riddled with their pity.


This detachment from mutual social circles will be a breath of fresh air, and it will give you a sense of fulfillment, even a sense of empowerment.


5. Increased Interest from Others


Once you start healing and taking care of yourself again, word will get around. This will definitely make some heads turn as you recover from being a crying mess to an emotionally well and confident person. And that’s sexy.


You’ll no longer be wearing metaphorical dark-tinted glasses, the world will no longer seem grey and dull, you’ll be on the dating scene, and finally recover the energy to start looking for the love of your life again!


This interest from others also positively affects your mental health. According to Very Well Mind, flirting boosts self-esteem and confidence.


You might even think of getting into a casual relationship. Newsweek agrees, “Some casual rebound dating, to have fun and new experiences with different people, might be just what you need.”


However, remember that casual dating and flirting are not necessarily a major sign that the no-contact rule is working.


While it may sound like progress, you have to assess the intentions behind your actions. Are you doing it because it’s fun, or are you doing it out of spite? Really ask yourself: am I doing this because I like it, or am I just posing for an online picture that might reach my ex? 


If your answer is the former, go on and collect those compliments and go on these dates as a renewed, healed, and empowered person.


Additional Sign: You are starting to seek out new relationships with a long-term perspective.


With emotional healing, improved self-esteem, clarity of thought, decreased negative interactions, and increased attention from others, you most likely have a better idea of what you want in your next actual and healthy relationship.


Perhaps this is the surefire sign that the no-contact period is showing to be effective. At this point, you must feel a sense of relief that the grieving period is getting better.


You’ve passed the stage of negative emotions and might have come to the conclusion that there are no hard feelings and you can be ‘mutual friends’ without having to necessarily contact that person.


You might have realized that it’s time to move on and get going with future relationships, especially romantic relationships, rather than focusing on the past.




In conclusion, the path to healing is always a rough road to take. But it is a healing journey that one needs to take nonetheless, especially if you just came from a very toxic relationship such as cheating, gaslighting, and emotional abuse. All the signs above show that the no-contact rule is working; going through this is going to hurt you, but it is needed for you to heal.


Those who experienced a relationship that was filled with love, joy, and happiness that slowly turned jaded, disinterested, and then toxic will find that this path is hard. One of the best ways to do this is to simply follow the no contact rule, no longer seeing them, asking their friends how they are doing, and all of that jazz; it needs to stop. You’ll see the difference it makes.


And those who are still going through this healing process, just keep going; you’ll eventually find yourself again! You’ll make it if you keep your head above the raging water of memories that you are treading.


The goal is to keep moving forward for everyone around you and yourself!


It could take as easy as a few days, or it could take a few weeks, depending on how difficult the situation was. Your ex could suddenly send you a message after a week or so, and some people simply just crumple up because of how miserable they think they are during the no contact period.

Yes! Most Casual Relationships do not have the expectations of long-term romance, but that does not mean they are easier. There will still be a certain healing process as you move on, but following the no-contact rule will easily clear both your heads.

The no contact rule does not have a definite timeline for contacting an ex, and your reason for wanting to do so will also be a factor. Do you want to get back together after realizing it was a mistake? Do you want to continue as friends? Do you want to give or get some form of closure?

What do you want to do? If you feel as if you’ve healed enough, then you are free to pursue whatever your heart desires. But remember, do not rush yourself! You may feel like you’ve healed, and then suddenly put your vulnerable self out into the open again, only to fall flat on your face. But if you are prepared for everything, get out there and enjoy life!

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