Dreaming of Your Partner Cheating on You? 10 Reasons & 4 Actionable Steps

Picture of Dr. Carol Morgan

Dr. Carol Morgan


Dr. Carol Morgan is a seasoned relationship expert with a Ph.D. in Journalism, Media Studies, and Communication. Her valuable insights play a crucial role in our commitment to delivering accurate and informative content.

You may ask, what does it mean to dream of your partner cheating on you?


If you’ve ever experienced the unsettling scenario of dreaming about your partner cheating on you, you may wake up with confusion, anxiety, and even anger.


Are they simply random images created by our subconscious minds, or do they hold deeper significance?


In this article, we go on a journey of self-reflection and exploration, aiming to find the significance and meaning behind the dreams of your partner’s infidelity.


So, let’s delve into counting those sheep and explore the cloudy world of dreams to discover what it truly means to dream of your partner cheating on you.

Table of Contents

Dreaming of a partner cheating can evoke a whirlwind of emotions, leaving us puzzled and concerned about the implications for our real-life relationships.


According to Bustle, dreaming about being cheated on is among the most common types of nightmares. Studies have shown that nearly one in four Americans have had a dream about cheating or being cheated on. 


Does that make you a bad person? Absolutely not.


While unsettling, these dreams can have multiple meanings beyond literal interpretations and don’t always mean there are underlying issues in your relationship.


But surely, you want to know the potential meaning of your dreams. Dreams about cheating can harm your relationship if you’re not communicating about them. 

bothered man lying on bed

We’ve assembled 10 possible meanings behind dreaming of your partner cheating on you:


1. Symbolic Representation

Dreams often speak to us in symbols and metaphors.


Apart from the fact that it feels like a horrible betrayal, these feelings of betrayal can be a way to tackle various issues in your relationship.


Relationship expert and psychotherapist Dr. Fran Walfish says on Bustle that “Dreams are not predictions — they are metaphors and symbols for conflicts that we are struggling to wrestle with, make sense of, and resolve,” He adds that “how you feel in the dream is the key to how you are feeling in real life.”


Dreaming of a partner cheating, or even flirting can symbolize underlying relationship issues or emotional dynamics that require attention.


It may indicate a need for open communicationtrust-building, or a desire for emotional connection


But remember that a healthy relationship doesn’t mean a relationship without problems.


2. Unresolved Relationship Issues

These dreams can mirror unresolved conflicts, unmet needs, or communication breakdowns within the relationship.


It only highlights the importance of addressing these issues daily to foster a healthier and more fulfilling partnership.


3. Insecurities and Trust Concerns

Dreaming of a partner cheating may tap into our insecurities and fears, such as a fear of abandonment or feelings of inadequacy.


It can be a manifestation of our subconscious anxieties and a call to work on building self-confidence and enhancing trust in ourselves and our relationships.


4. Reflection on Real-Life Experiences

Dreams draw inspiration from our personal life experiences.


If we have witnessed infidelity or experienced betrayal, our dreams may incorporate these memories to process and heal from those emotional wounds.


5. Exploring Different Perspectives

standing woman overlooking mountains

Dreams of a partner cheating can also mean you’re just exploring a world of possibilities.


They may not necessarily reflect actual cheating in real life but can be an exploration of curiosity or an acknowledgment of the existence of attraction outside the relationship.


It does not mean these desires will be acted upon, but it reflects human nature.


I recently heard a story of a friend who had dreamt that his whole life was different. He had a different wife and different kids in his dream. It must have been a weird dream since it changed your perspective on life.


A dream affair can hold valuable lessons. If you remember your dream in detail, you can find certain relationship patterns and use those to build more meaningful connections or work on yourself.


So what deeper meaning can these dreams give you?

  • You might find that there needs to be change to have a successful relationship.
  • You might find that you have a certain personality trait or attachment style impacting your bad dream.
  • You might find that your ‘cheating dream’ interpretation forms an emotional response when communicating with your partner.


6. Fear of Losing the Relationship

Do you have abandonment issues? Have you ever told your partner: “I’m not sure where I would be without you”


Dreaming about cheating can stem from a deep-seated fear of losing the relationship or being alone.


If you have an insecure attachment style, a cheating partner in your dreams can indicate the fear of losing your relationship. It does not mean that you have an unfaithful partner, but you’re likely in fear of actual infidelity.


These dreams express our attachment and the importance of the emotional connection with our partner. Additionally, you’ll want to focus on communication to ensure your conscious mind is less anxious. 


In turn, this will help you understand the meanings of dreams and help you towards having these disturbing dreams less frequently. 


7. An Unsatisfying Sex life

woman looking at window while sat on bed

Sex dreams might indicate issues in the sexual relationship with your partner. It’s an ever-lasting problem in relationships. 


You’re dealing with two different people and two different sex drives


If you are openly communicating in your relationship, there is a good possibility that the topic of sex drive came up at some point. If you notice your partner wants to be more sexually active while you don’t feel like that, it can cause feelings of insecurity.


An insecurity about sexual satisfaction and wanting to keep your partner happy could spark images of cheating in your dreams. 


Therefore, there is a good chance that these types of dreams stem from dissatisfaction with your partner’s sex life.


8. Personal and Spiritual Growth

Do you think dreams about a cheating partner can have a spiritual meaning? 


Cheating dreams can help you to examine personal growth and spiritual growth.


They can catalyze introspection and self-reflection, urging us to evaluate our values, desires, and aspirations.


Don’t forget that dreaming of a cheating partner only reflects your beliefs and values in a relationship. Not by any means does it indicate your partner is actually cheating.


9. Fear of Betrayal

If you have experienced betrayal or infidelity in the past, it can instill a deep fear of being betrayed again.


Dreams of your partner cheating may be a manifestation of this fear and a way for your subconscious mind to process and heal from past wounds.


10. External Influences

Sometimes, dreams of your partner cheating can be triggered by external influences, such as witnessing infidelity in movies, TV shows or even hearing about it from friends or acquaintances.


These influences can infiltrate your subconscious mind and manifest as dreams.


Different Cheating Dreams and Meanings

stressed man on bed with angry woman

We’ve asked our expert psychologist Carol Morgan, a licensed therapist, to highlight her expertise on various dreams. 


If your partner cheats with a stranger. – You could feel like there are so many beautiful people in the world, and you fear your partner will find someone else more attractive than you.


If your partner cheats with an ex. – You could fear that your partner is still in love with their ex and that you don’t measure up to them.


If your partner cheats with someone you’re close to. – You could fear that the person in your life you’re close to isn’t trustworthy – especially around your partner.


If your partner cheats with someone else you know IRL. – You could fear that your partner doesn’t have strong ethics and think they will cross the line and cheat in general.


What to Do When You Dream of Your Partner Cheating on You – 4 Actionable Steps

Discovering that you’ve had a dream about your partner cheating on you can be a distressing experience.


While these dreams don’t necessarily reflect reality, they can still evoke strong emotions.


Here are some steps you can take when you find yourself in this situation:


1. Recognize the Symbolic Nature of Dreams

After reading the common meanings of dreams about cheating, you should already realize that these dreams have a symbolic nature.


Remember that dreams are often symbolic representations rather than literal depictions of reality.


Avoid jumping to conclusions or assuming that the dream reflects actual events. Try to use the feelings you get from your dreams to recognize certain behaviors or patterns in yourself and your relationship.


2. Communicate with Your Partner

If the dream is causing significant distress, consider sharing it with your partner in a calm and non-accusatory manner.


Your Tango suggests that “after having a dream about your partner cheating, try to pinpoint what you feel your relationship is missing. Then talk to your partner about how you’ve been struggling and offer suggestions on how they could help.”


Share your feelings and concerns, emphasizing that it was a dream and you don’t believe it reflects reality. Or, if you think it does, it requires an honest conversation to work towards a healthier relationship. 


Open and honest communication can strengthen your bond and alleviate your anxieties. 


Don’t forget that it’s okay to approach these conversations with a sense of humor. In the end, it’s only a dream.


How to talk about it?

It’s a difficult situation that should be approached with care. However, the worst thing you can do if it’s bothering you is to keep it to yourself.


  1. “I had this bizarre dream about us, which involved some cheating. I know it’s not real, but I thought I should share it with you.”
  2. “You know how dreams can be crazy sometimes? Well, last night I dreamt about something that made me uncomfortable – it was about cheating. I want to talk about it and get it off my chest.”
  3. “I had a dream last night that had me feeling uneasy. It was about cheating, and I can’t shake the feeling. Mind if we talk about it together?”
  4. “I want to be honest with you – I had a dream where cheating was involved, and it’s bothering me. Can we discuss it so I can feel better about it?”
  5. “Last night’s dream was so odd; it involved cheating, leaving me feeling weird about it. Can we talk about it?”


3. Focus on Trust and Rebuilding

happy couple wearing white and holding hands

Redirect your energy towards building and maintaining trust in your relationship.


Remember that trust is a foundation of a healthy partnership and requires an ongoing effort from both partners.


Focus on rebuilding trust through open communication, empathy, and actions that strengthen your connection.


4. Seek Professional Help

If the dream continues to impact your emotions or relationship, consider seeking the guidance of a relationship therapist or counselor.


A professional can provide objective insights, tools for communication, and strategies to address any underlying concerns.


It’s possible that in your unconscious mind, your current relationship doesn’t live up to its expectations. The previous steps can be complicated to implement, and a relationship expert can help you navigate these issues together.



Dreams of your partner cheating on you can be a perplexing and emotionally charged experience.


When you dream about your current partner cheating on you, it is essential to approach it with an open mind and a willingness to delve into its deeper implications.


These dreams often hold symbolic meanings beyond their literal interpretation, reflecting underlying relationship issues, personal insecurities, and unmet needs.


By engaging in self-reflection, fostering open communication, and seeking guidance from relationship experts or therapists, you can navigate the negative emotions evoked by these dreams and work towards building a healthier, more fulfilling partnership.

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